[Dnsmasq-discuss] Fail-over or high availability for dnsmaasq
marcus coleman
2016-10-26 03:45:51 UTC
Hello All

Is there a configuration for dnsmasq to have a primary and fail-over. Meaning if my dnsmasq server (dhcp and dns) go offline can another machine running dnsmasq be configured to ?

"takeover" dhcp/dns roles of the primary ?

thanks for any help in advance!
Scott Mead
2016-10-26 21:16:03 UTC
Post by marcus coleman
Hello All
Is there a configuration for dnsmasq to have a primary and fail-over.
Meaning if my dnsmasq server (dhcp and dns) go offline can another
machine running dnsmasq be configured to ?
"takeover" dhcp/dns roles of the primary ?
I've done this, although somewhat manually. Essentially, I use Ansible
to ensure that my configs are all in sync. Then, I use pacemaker to
detect a 'host down' situation. This moves an IP alias and then clients
start hitting that host.

You may be able to stick nginx in front of dnsmasq and load-balance....
but, if you're using dynamic DNS updates and you rely on a leases file,
you could get different answers based on which server you hit (that'd be
bad). If all you are doing is DNS definitions and nothing dynamic, I
don't see why it wouldn't work...
Post by marcus coleman
thanks for any help in advance!
Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list
Scott Mead
Sr. Architect