[Dnsmasq-discuss] how can i make cache_size more than 10000
2015-12-02 06:31:13 UTC
Hello everyone,
When i use command " kill -s SIGUSR1 `cat /var/run/dnsmasq.pid`", the output in log as below:
Dec 2 14:23:48 dnsmasq[22548]: cache size 10000, 22230/42649 cache insertions re-used unexpired cache entries.
Dec 2 14:23:48 dnsmasq[22548]: queries forwarded 97058, queries answered locally 544818

I am so confused that cache size is 10000, but "the total number of names that have been inserted into the cache" is 42649, why these two numbers are not the same? And how can i make cache size bigger than 10000 if my memory is lager enough?
2015-12-02 07:50:46 UTC
Hi "cochen",

Le Wed, 2 Dec 2015 14:31:13 +0800 (CST)
Post by cochen
Hello everyone,
When i use command " kill -s SIGUSR1 `cat /var/run/dnsmasq.pid`",
the output in log as below: Dec 2 14:23:48 dnsmasq[22548]: cache
size 10000, 22230/42649 cache insertions re-used unexpired cache
entries. Dec 2 14:23:48 dnsmasq[22548]: queries forwarded 97058,
queries answered locally 544818
I am so confused that cache size is 10000, but "the total number
of names that have been inserted into the cache" is 42649, why these
two numbers are not the same?
The cache does not stop caching when it is full; at this point, a new
query will still get cached by dropping another cached query. The
dropped query is chosen so that its disappearance from the cache will
have the least effect on performance (incidentally, DNS queries have an
"expiry date", and may therefore be dropped before the cache is full).

Therefore, a cache with 10 000 entries will only hold up to 10 000
cached queries at any given time, but over time it may cache way more
than this.
Post by cochen
And how can i make cache size bigger
than 10000 if my memory is lager enough? Thanks!
The dnsmasq manpage describes all the settings available to control the
cache size, negative caching behavior, and TTL ("expiry date") min and
max capping on cached entries.
