[Dnsmasq-discuss] auth-zone specify only IPv6 subnet
Markus Hartung
2016-11-29 23:19:50 UTC

I have some problems with using auth-zone.

I have only one public IPv4-address so I have enabled IPv6 and have
managed to get my authoritative server get my hosts online using IPv6.

Now I want reverse dns-lookup to work for IPv6.

I wanted to specify my IPv6 subnet in the auth-zone option like this:


However, doing so kills all my A records I have setup for mail and
secondary dns-server.

Reading the manpage reveals this about auth-zone:
".. Locally defined DNS records which are in the domain will be served.
If subnet(s) are given, A and AAAA records must be in one of the
specified subnets"

So my understanding is that my A-records that have IPv4-outside the
subnet is not served anymore.

Is there any way to solve this?

Best regards,
Markus Hartung
Markus Hartung
2016-11-29 23:47:21 UTC
I found a solution, it's not super elegant and requires extra
maintenance in the configuration.

I just added all the IPv4 addresses I have a A-record for in my
auth-zone option:


Now I just need to get the delegation for the IPv6 rDNS updated to my

